2 Days Workshop – To Explore and Paint In The Wilds of Wilsons Prom and Walkerville ‘The Kilns’ – with Artist – Wyn Vogel – 22nd and 23rd March 2025
Walkerville sits at the northern entry to Wilson’s Promontory and the coast is rugged and beautiful!
For this Workshop we will explore the local scenery – the local floral and fauna and series of preliminary works that will hopefully form the basis of an Exhibition by Artist Wyn Vogel – towards the end of the year!
Wyn will work with you to share her insights, her approach to construct of a painting and inclusion of the critical elements – nailing a story that has thrived since the 1800’s
You will discover how to mix your paints on paper not on a palette – the freedom of watercolour and pigment – the mix of light and shade – highlighted with the renown marks of Wyn’s ink nib pen!
Inspiration at Low Tide – Format of the Workshop Days
We will explore at low tide the structures at the foot of the cliffs along the base of Cape Liptrap Coastal Park – Waratah Bay and Walkerville itself – we will take sketches and photos and if the weather is good we can work Plein Air – if the weather closes in on us, we have access to the local Hall and this will provide us with shelter in between our forages to find inspiration at low tide around the Kilns and along the rugged Coast line.
These workshops have really been developed for some local Artists who have worked with Wyn in the past in Brisbane – however, we are open to others to join us –
If you are keen to join us please contact Artist Wyn Vogel – for full details >>> https://www.fishlanestudios.com/contact/ – accommodation is not readily available and you may have to Google Search accommodation around Waratah Bay and you will need your own transport in and out of Walkerville.