Very Exciting News For Australian Watercolour Artists
The ‘Rules’ for FabrianoInAcquarello – Italy 2022 have been released
Please click through the links below …….to read these ‘Conditions of Entry’ and we will be in touch with our 32 Best in Muster – over the next couple of days, to ensure that you are still happy to participate and have your Artwork entered as part of this amazing International Symposium in Italy in May 2022 🌞 >>>>
All Australian Artists, in fact all Artists anywhere will need to register on the
International Watercolour Platform
to be able to enter your Artwork for this International Event – so we will work with you all to ensure you are able to do this, please click through to the Platform and explore this amazing new space for yourselves as we move forward!!
What is FabrianoInAcquarello – Italy?
FabrianoInAcquarello is: not an organization, not a society, not a company.
It is the international year CONGRESS MEETING that welcomes all organizations, all societies, companies, schools, artists, talents, who deal with watercolor in the world. With none of them we are in competition, but we recognize and are ready to welcome all of them to participate in our congress meeting and the international cultural exchange.
FabrianoInAcquarello mission is: is to be absolutely inclusive of artists, not competitive and non‐ profit.
It is an opportunity for discussion and motivation to learn technique and creativity.
Our aim is the promotion of water media artists and of painting techniques on paper, with a strong attention to innovation and involvement of younger generations.
The intent is to offer every year a program of performance and artistic relationship where artists are encouraged to cooperate, to observe each other’s skills, by sharing activities and friendship relation.
The Congress meeting will welcome all Masters, artist students and amateurs; they can join and participate all the day’s programs. The Congress meeting is not limited to the artist selected for exhibitions.
What role does ‘The Australian Watercolour Muster’ Play in all of this?
In Australia – we have tried to ensure that we have an open and effective way to attract Artists to be part of the selection process for this international CONGRESS /Exhibition and so we created 3 years ago ‘The Australian Watercolour Muster’ and each year prior to this selection process we ‘Call’ for Australian Artists to share their Watercolour Work and be selected to be eligible for selection for this International Event.
Of course final selection of Artists depends on their availability each year when the Dates are announced for Italy – as they have been today the 15th November 2021. Circumstances change and we will be in touch with all of our 32 Best in Muster 2021 over the next few days to ensure that everyone is still able to participate and/or if not we will go back to the Entries that have come into ‘The Australian Watercolour Muster’ 2021 and talk with these Artists as well!
Click across to check this years exciting Australian Artists and also News for 2022 from the ‘Muster’ as well as all the above excitement!!
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