‘Brings The Outside In’ to the Patients!
I talk with an old guy sitting in front of ‘The Beach’ with his coffee and cookie balanced on his walker – he tells me he has been to The Beach 10 times already this morning and it is only 10am – I’m blown away!
An old lady who tells me she used to work for the British Intelligence – tells me she has dozed off many times feeling the beauty of the beach and the mountains – hearing the music flow across her, could she have some new music please!!
So, these are my happy customers, what can I do but comply – I whizz off to finish the work in the pipeline and here it is!
Lanterns – Water – Dragons
Taking my camera out onsite and filming the world has been a real buzz – from Yaroomba Beach – The Glass House Mountains – Japanese Gardens – tripping the shutter and absorbing the colours and life around me into my minds eye –
Interlacing these in the Studio with Work off my easel and watercolour table – inspired by the moment – crosses the boundaries of media – superimposing the real with the oils and water of my paint pots – add a dash of music and we are ready – to add some new light and sound to the Patients of The St Vincent’s Private Hospital Brisbane!
Overlaid with my brush work!

we can share our worlds!!

The inspiration is overlaid!

The Gardens!
Over the last 12 months we have had our cross/trans media Installation running in The St Vincent’s Private Hospital Brisbane – on Kangaroo Point as part of their ‘Outside In’ Art Program – aimed at creating a great feeling of well being in their Patients aiding speedier recovery!
The response from the Patients and Staff have been real and amazing – so all I can say is a big thanks to Cheryle CEO and Fiona her Arts Curator for the opportunity to showcase our Work with them and share these moments with Patients as they evolve and heal over the weeks they are in The Hospital!!
In a way, this has acted as a ‘test bed’ for us – to iron out the wrinkles – learn what works well and how to manage the tech side of things!
Thanks also to all the Supporters and Sponsors who have taken part – James – from Epson – Ben from Datacom – and all our other key Supporters and Sponsors – that have enabled myself and Fish Lane Studios to explore and create in such an amazing way!
> Lanterns – Water – Dragons
St Vincent’s Private Hospital is leading the way in their research and treatment via their
Brisbane Centre For Pain Management
where you will find more of our 3D Installation Work!!
hopefully again bringing a smile to someones face!!
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