Something Different Gold Coast 21st February 2024 – Celebrate Chinese New Year – A Chinese Lantern Still Life – a conversation re Pro/Brush Markers and techniques for painting Chinese Dragons
Eckersley's Gold Coast Art and Craft Store 2/142 Brisbane Rd, Labrador, Queensland, AustraliaThere is often no reason for moving to multi-media other than the whim of the Artist - but with these Marker Pens - there are strong options for achieving texture and interesting options to lift your Artwork from the mundane to the vibrant!
With this Workshop - Artist Wyn Vogel will discuss options for a combination of Watercolour and Marker Pens - what better time to be tempted with the bright colours of the Chinese New Year and their gorgeous 'Lanterns' these are the inspiration - there are funky and traditional to choose from!
The structure of the paper and thread that are the basis for the construct of these Lanterns lend themselves to the being shaped with the styles on the end of the marker pen.
Don't forget to bring your lunch and a mug - tea and coffee will be provided.